CIA predicts collapse of Israeli state

According to respected international lawyer Franklin Lamb a recent CIA report gives the Israeli state 20 years before it collapses. Apparently members of the US Senate Intelligence Committee have seen the report which argues that a two-state solution is no longer realistic and that a one-state solution is the only viable democratic option. It predicts:

"an inexorable movement away from a two-state to a one-state solution, as the most viable model based on democratic principles of full equality that sheds the looming specter of colonial Apartheid while allowing for the return of the 1947/1948 and 1967 refugees. The latter being the precondition for sustainable peace in the region."

According to Lamb the CIA refers to the rapid and unexpected downfall of Apartheid South Africa (unexpected by the CIA that is which was of course a supporter of the racist regime, with the US government refusing to support sanctions, along with Thatcher's Britain) and of the Soviet Union.

The authors of the CIA paper believe that hundreds of thousands of Israelis will leave for the US. Half a million Israelis currently hold US passports. It also forecasts that a further one and a half million Israelis could move to Europe and Russia over the next 15 years. The falling birth rate among Israelis, in contrast to the rising one among Arabs, underlines the precarious position of the Zionist project in historic Palestine.

The study, also forecasts the eventual return of all Palestinian refugees to the occupied territories, a key demand of the Palestinian liberation movement.

"So I think the writing at least among the public in Israel, is on the wall...[which] suggests history will reject the colonial enterprise sooner or later," Lamb emphasised in an interview with the Iranian channel Press TV.

Lamb argues that recent Israeli conduct towards the Palestinians, and in particular those in the open-air prison that is the Gaza Strip, is turning American public opinion away from Israel, despite the blatant bias of the US media and government, and people may 'not take it [the US/Israel alliance] anymore'.

The way in which the neo-cons and the pro-Israel crowd has overplayed its hand in the recent Chas Freeman appointment controversy in the US could well prove to be a watershed, heralding the beginning of a shift in US policy away from its up to now totally uncritical support for Israel, although the CIA report of course does not refer to these political developments.

The fact that the CIA is now openly thinking the unthinkable is testament to the strength of the resistance of the Palestinian people, the widening base of support it has engendered globally and the failure of Israel's attempt to snuff out that resistance through brute force.

To add to Israeli leaders' undoubted discomfort with news of the existence of this report, we hear from the Boston Globe that US officials are urging the Obama administration to open talks with Hamas.

Dr. Franklin Lamb
, is an international lawyer and author of Israel's War in Lebanon: Eyewitness Chronicles of the Invasion and Occupation. Dr Lamb is based in Beirut and can be reached at


  1. Good news indeed. Of course, the zionist project in Palestine can only collapse. It is the last of the settler colonialist states and will suffer the same fate as apartheid South Africa and other racist/exclusionary regimes. From its inception (indeed, before its inception, when 300,000 Palestinians were ejected following passage of the Partition Plan on 29 Nov. 1947) it has also been an ethnic-cleanser, expansionist, occupier, beggar state. It can only fail.
    Toynbee said it best: "Israel is an historical anachronism," as did Charles De Gaulle after the 1967 War: "Israel will drown in a sea of Arabs." All so predictable and for what? When it crumbles, not only will the region be so much better off, so will the world, including Jews everywhere who will finally be free of the curse of zionism.

  2. Franklin Lamb is an Arabist hack. Dream on.

  3. Isn't this what has been said for the last 60 years? when is this supposed collapse going to come?

    I notice how this world renowed Dr Franklin (I ain't never heard of him) fails to identify what will cause this already 60 year overdue collapse!

    Israel has destroyed every attempt on it's existence, and will probalbly do so again, now that Israel is also forging links with China, I can quite expect it's continued existence for another 200 years!

    Long live Israel!

  4. >>>>>I notice how this world renowed Dr Franklin (I ain't never heard of him) fails to identify what will cause this already 60 year overdue collapse!<<<<<
    Increased militancy of both the 'Israeli' public and that of the Arab states against corruption and Zionism. Its already happening.

  5. >>>>>I notice how this world renowed Dr Franklin (I ain't never heard of him) fails to identify what will cause this already 60 year overdue collapse!<<<<<
    Increased militancy of both the 'Israeli' public and that of the Arab states against corruption and Zionism. Its already happening.

  6. Lay your bets that the Israeli 'investigation' into the wanton killings in Gaza will see no-one charged. After all they're only sub-human palestinians


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