Second Tomlinson video indicts police

Channel 4 has new footage showing the baton attack on Ian Tomlinson, about 1 min into report.

Ian Tomlinson's fellow Standard seller said: 'they killed him, they killed him'

The police officer who made the attack above has now come forward.

10 'terror' arrests in Lancashire. Nothing like a terror raid to move the news agenda on. But to be fair this time it appears to be a fuck up. Showing secret documents to the world's press probably not sending out the right message. Of the raids themselves, in Cheetham Hill Manchester it sounded like an invasion - armed police marched down the street screaming orders, scary or what.

The charges for those detained? How about reading while being a Muslim.

And buried in the papers in a few months' time will be a little report pointing out that the persons arrested in that terror plot (probably given a name that encapsulate a fanciful scheme to bring mayhem to the UK) were in fact innocent, although one used the internet too much so we're having him.


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