Emergency protest after 10 murdered by Israel on Gaza Flotilla - 2pm Downing Street
Awoken to the news that at least 10 people have been murdered by the Israel today when their forces stormed the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. More at the BBC
Emergency protest today at Downing Street. Western governments have allowed this to happen by sitting on their hands as the Israelis issued their threats over the past days and weeks. Join the protests today around the world..
Emergency protest today at Downing Street. Western governments have allowed this to happen by sitting on their hands as the Israelis issued their threats over the past days and weeks. Join the protests today around the world..
Its only a matter of time until the words of the Lamb, 2000 years ago, are fulfilled, and Jerusalem is surrounded by troops. That might just be what it takes for the World Court of Daniel 7 to sit.