Urgent appeal to Canadians: Contact MPs NOW to support the Canadian Boat to Gaza

The orchestrated campaign against the attempt to break the blockade of Gaza is intensifying with two $1m dollar lawsuits now being taken out against organisations supporting Canadian Boat to Gaza. See press release from Canadian Boat to Gaza below:


NDP MP Alex Atamanenko has taken a conscientious decision to support the Canadian Boat to Gaza's efforts to help the 1.5 million Palestinians of Gaza who have been living for years in an open air prison and to end the inhumane and illegal blockade of Gaza.

Tuesday's National Post carried a vicious smear article against both the Boat to Gaza and Alex Atamanenko. Please write to or call Jack Layton, Paul Dewar and other members of the NDP caucus NOW, tell them you support the Canadian Boat to Gaza and ask them to support it as well.

It is VERY important to do this NOW to counter media and lobbyist pressure. They need to hear from us (and our friends and families) NOW!

MP contact information (both in Ottawa and in their ridings) can be found at webinfo.parl.gc.ca.


  1. I have posted this along with more information as well as a possible letter to our leaders which I urge my readers to cut and paste.

    Interestingly, I responded TWICE to that despicable article from the National Post, a rag I normally ignore due to its pro Zionist agenda, and in each case, after 15 to 20 minutes, my post had not come through. Yet my short comments to other writers popped up instantly!


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