Palestine Place - a place for workshops, discussion and action in support of Palestine 2-17 June

A place for workshops, discussion, and action in support of Palestine

In the first two weeks of June this year one of central London’s lost and abandoned buildings will be reclaimed and transformed into a radical centre for discussion, action, and education around the issue of Palestine. Palestine Place will be a squatted hub of activity from the 2nd-17th June running everything from film screenings, lectures, workshops and trainings to cultural, musical and culinary events (full programme to be released nearer the time).

It is mid-2012 and in Palestine the 64 year-long struggle against Israel’s political, economic, and cultural occupation and violence continues with an ever-increasing intensity. The state of Israel, supported by central London’s powerful political elite, continues to control the discourse on the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Though it attempts to drown out the voices of millions across the world calling for an end to its racist programme of Zionism, grass roots activists the world over are fighting in solidarity with Palestine, to lay bare the workings of Israeli oppression and so to end it.

The politics of our action of solidarity is unified by the three basic demands of Palestinian civil society in their call for a boycott of Israel (BDS Movement):
• An end to the occupation and colonisation of all Arab lands occupied since 1967.
• Equal Rights for Palestinian Citizens of Israel (1948 Palestine).
• Respecting, protecting, and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their lands as stipulated in UN Resolution 194.

We are a working community of individuals with many different ideas and ideological frameworks, but we come together around these three core agreements that unite us. These are the foundations, but Palestine Place can happen anywhere; we call for all those who support Palestinians to create these places of resistance wherever they are.

We invite activists, NGOs, academics, and direct action groups as well as all other interested parties to bring their support and knowledge to Palestine Place: by joining us in organising, offering to put on a workshop/training/discussion, supporting us with equipment or finance, or by taking part in the space. Contact to inquire about running an event, to get involved with preparations, or to find out more.


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