Get involved in Israeli Apartheid Week activities

Join our Israeli Apartheid Week webinars:
  • March 19th 2020, 6:30pm CET: Conversations on Apartheid: from South Africa to Palestine. A talk on racism during Israeli Apartheid Week

  • April 2nd 2020, 3pm CET: United against racism with Rebecca Vilkomerson (more info coming soon) 
  • April 6th 2020, 3pm CET: “Race in international law” with Noura Erakat (more info coming soon)
  • Register your event 

Worldwide groups in solidarity with Palestine are in the middle of mobilizing and organizing for Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW), that will take place in most countries from the 16th until the 21st of March. Israeli Apartheid Week is an internationally coordinated series of events  that relies on progressive movements, groups and organizations fighting all forms of racism, racial discrimination, marginalization and oppression and promoting Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) in the pursuit of Palestinian freedom, justice and equality. This year, IAW is a call out to come together to fight racism and apartheid under the theme #UnitedAgainstRacism. more


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